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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

5 Differences Between North and South Pole

Earth that we live in has two earth's axis, the axis of the earth, or more popular againas the Earth's poles. There are two poles of this planet is owned by the North and South, but despite being little known by most of the general society of the world, butnot all understand and know each pole. Here are 5 Differences between north and south poles:

1. Temperature
South Pole seems to have cooler temperatures compared with the North Pole. In fact, a lower temperature so that the snow was melting very slowly in some parts of this continent. The average temperature in the south polar region is centered around -49˚ Celsius, making it the coldest place on earth. But in stark contrast when in the winter,temperatures are at the point -34 ˚ Celsius, and rose slightly ahead of the summer.

The temperature of its coldest temperature ever reached -89 ˚, in accordance with those reported by postal inspectors at Vostok, which is located near the South Polegeomagnetis her. South Pole is a coating of ice that makes it vulnerable to changes intemperature.

2. Polar Bears and Penguins

Generally the people of the world think that polar bears and penguins live in the same habitat. But such thinking is not correct, very unfortunate when they are seen as anillustration of a postcard and a part of commercial advertising. Penguins are animals that live in the South Pole, where they have no predators in their habitat. And if thepenguins and bears live in the same area, the bears do not have to worry about the source of food.

Penguin is an animal species of birds have wings but not used as a means to fly, buthelped him to maneuver well in advance on the mainland and in surface water. On the other hand, polar bears are indigenous predators in a large continental ice, the Northpole. These furry creatures roamed the Earth North Pole ice continent, they prey onsea lions, sea cows, and whales that stranded.

3. Black gold

Nearly half of the oil in the world  contained in the permafrost of North and SouthPole, according to a survey conducted by the U.S. geological body. For that reasons, the Russian monopoly claimed almost half the Arctic, hoping to exploit theoil content in it. Lomonosov Bridge, spanning more than 1.800 kilometers and could be expected to produce more than 10 billion tons of oil.

The Americans also claimed in this section, and caused many ice crusher that is sentto the Pole, as a sign that daera is controlled by the United States, in Alaska. Believed to contain oil in the bottom layer of hard earth, such as in the Ross Sea, but theexploitation of oil is prohibited in this area.

4. Continents and Oceans

Arctic region is a frozen ocean, while Antarctica is a continent that is formed from rocks and other earth formations, mountain valleys, and lakes which are all surroundedby the sea. In fact, in fact, the South Pole has a famous active volcano, Mount Erebus.

Quite ironic actually, from the social and political dimensions, the northern region whichis formed by a layer of ice in great demand by various countries; Canada, Greenland(part of Denmark), Russia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the United States.While the South Pole is an area that is not owned by anyone, nor inhabited by any human.

5. Magnetic Field and  Content

North Pole is a vast land, which contains lots of minerals in the earth layers, nickelgold, silver, platinum, and iron. But the very contrast to the South Pole that has nomineral content. Regarding the Earth's magnetic field, one pole near the north and oneto the south, so that each magnetic pole is named according to the geographicaldirection. Although its location is actually the opposite, polar axis of Earth's magneticNorth is South and vice versa.

The formation of magnetic poles of the planet (Earth) and its links with the earth's axisis not a coincidence, because the Earth's magnetic field changes. Unlike the Earth's axis, the magnetic field is actually moving and this must be considered its relationship with the earth's axis. The difference is now Earth's magnetic field axis of the North (the southern part of the magnetic field) moving eastward with an average mileage of 55-60km per year. Earth's magnetic field axis while the southern (northern part of the magnetic field) even though slowly move 10-15 km per year.

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