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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Regal Tang

The smell great (Paracanthurus hepatus) is a colorful reef fish in the Acanthuridae family. A fish in a marine aquarium, is the only member of the genus Paracanthurus. Some common name given to the species, including palette surgeonfish, blue tang (which causes confusion with Acanthurus coeruleus Atlantic), royal blue tang, hippo tang, surgeonfish surgeonfish flagtail and blue.
Hepatus Paracanthurus have a royal blue body, yellow tail, and the design of 'palette' black. Lower body is yellow in west-central Indian Ocean. [3] It grows to 31 cm (12.25 in). Species range widely, but a public place. It can be found throughout the Indo-Pacific. This can be seen on the reef East Africa, Japan, Samoa, New Caledonia, and the Great Barrier Reef. This fish is rather flat, like pancakes, with a rounded body shape, snout-like pointed nose, and small scale. Blue tang has 9 dorsal spines, 26-28 dorsal weak fingers, 3 anal spines and 24-26 anal finger weak.

The smell of Blue must be one of the most common marine fish and most popular all over the world. They live in pairs, or in small groups up to 10 or 12 people. These fish reach sexual maturity at 9-12 months of age.

Blue tang is not evaluated by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), but from a low vulnerability.

As a teenager, a diet consisting mainly of plankton. Adults are omnivorous and eat plankton, but will also graze on algae. Spawning occurs in the afternoon and evening. The event was marked with a color change from dark blue to pale blue uniform.

Males aggressively court female members of the school, leading to rapid spawning rush upward towards the water surface during egg and sperm are released. Eggs are small, about 0.8 mm. Eggs are Pelagic, each containing a single drop of oil for flotation. Fertilized eggs hatch in twenty-four hours, revealing small, translucent larvae with silvery belly and tail spines perfect.

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